residential tree and shrub care

Did you know that proper care and maintenance of trees and shrubs can significantly improve the value of your residential property? According to a recent study, homes with well-maintained landscapes including healthy trees and shrubs have an average increase in value of 7-14%. This means that investing in professional tree care services can not only enhance the beauty of your yard but also provide a substantial return on investment.

When it comes to residential tree and shrub care, it’s important to rely on the expertise of professionals who understand the specific needs of your landscape. A reputable tree care company, like Bartlett Tree Experts, can provide comprehensive services such as tree trimming, shrub maintenance, and landscaping to ensure the health and longevity of your trees and shrubs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Proper care of trees and shrubs can increase the value of your residential property.
  • Investing in professional tree care services can provide a substantial return on investment.
  • Bartlett Tree Experts offer expert tree and shrub care services for residential properties.
  • Tree trimming, shrub maintenance, and landscaping are essential for the health and longevity of your landscape.
  • Consulting with arborists can help create a tailored care plan for your specific property needs.

Tree and Shrub Planting Procedures for Healthy Growth

Proper planting procedures are essential for the healthy growth of trees and shrubs. When it comes to tree installation and shrub planting, timing is key. Choose spring or fall for planting, as these seasons offer mild weather conditions that promote successful establishment. Avoid periods of stressful climate or extreme weather, such as scorching summers or freezing winters.

After planting, it is crucial to water new plants thoroughly to ensure proper moisture. Use a slow flow of water to allow for deep penetration into the soil, encouraging healthy root development. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to watering new plants. Monitor moisture levels regularly and adjust your watering schedule as needed.

Mulching is another important step in tree and shrub planting. Apply a 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch around the base and root zone of your plants. This will help retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weed growth. Be careful not to apply mulch directly against the trunk or stems, as it can promote rot and disease.

If necessary, tree staking can provide additional support for newly planted trees. Use a single stake and tie the tree with a figure-8 pattern to ensure upright growth. Be mindful not to over-stake, as it may restrict natural movement and hinder root establishment.

Proper tree installation and shrub planting procedures, including choosing the optimal planting time, watering new plants, mulching, and tree staking, are essential for promoting the healthy growth and development of trees and shrubs.

Planting Procedures Benefits
Choose the right season: spring or fall Promotes successful establishment
Thoroughly water new plants Ensures proper moisture for healthy root development
Apply mulch around the base and root zone Retains moisture, regulates soil temperature, and suppresses weed growth
Stake newly planted trees, if necessary Provides additional support for upright growth

Essential Care Steps for Trees and Shrubs

Maintaining the health of your trees and shrubs requires proper care and attention. By following essential care steps, you can ensure the longevity and vitality of your landscape. Here are the key aspects to consider:


Regular fertilizing is essential for providing the necessary nutrients for optimal growth. The amount of fertilizer applied may vary depending on the age and location of your plants. It is important to choose a high-quality fertilizer that suits the specific needs of your trees and shrubs. Apply the fertilizer according to the recommended instructions and avoid overfertilization, which can harm the plants.


Pruning is a crucial step in tree and shrub care. It involves removing dead or diseased branches, improving appearance, and preventing the spread of diseases. Regular pruning helps maintain the overall health and shape of your plants. Ensure you use proper pruning techniques and equipment to avoid any accidental damage. Consult with a professional tree care service if you are unsure about the pruning process.

Protecting from Insects and Diseases

Insects and diseases can significantly impact the health and well-being of trees and shrubs. Take proactive measures to protect your plants by implementing specialized treatments and adhering to proper plant care practices. Regularly inspect your trees and shrubs for signs of infestation or disease and consult with an arborist if you notice any issues. Early intervention can prevent further damage and help maintain the health of your plants.


Proper watering is crucial, especially during the first year or two after planting. It is essential to establish healthy root systems and promote overall growth. Water your trees and shrubs deeply, allowing the soil to absorb the moisture. Monitor the moisture levels in the soil and adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Established trees and shrubs usually only require watering during prolonged periods of drought.

Applying Nutrients

In addition to fertilizing, it is important to apply the right nutrients to ensure the health of your trees and shrubs. Nutrient deficiencies can lead to stunted growth and increased susceptibility to diseases. Before applying any supplements, consult with a professional arborist or refer to a reliable resource to determine the specific nutrient requirements of your plants. Apply the nutrients as directed to promote optimal growth and vigor.

Care Step Description
Fertilizing Regularly provide necessary nutrients for optimal growth
Pruning Remove dead or diseased branches and enhance appearance
Protecting from Insects and Diseases Implement treatments and proper care practices
Watering Establish healthy root systems and monitor moisture levels
Applying Nutrients Ensure the right balance of nutrients for plant health

Choosing the Right Plants and Planting Methods

When it comes to selecting trees and shrubs for your landscape, there are various options to consider. They are typically sold as bare-root plants, balled-and-burlapped plants, or container-grown plants.

Bare-root plants: These plants are available in late winter or early spring. They are sold without soil around their roots, making them lightweight and easier to transport.

Balled-and-burlapped plants: These plants are typically available from spring to fall. They have their roots wrapped in a ball of soil and burlap, providing better protection and moisture retention during transportation.

Container-grown plants: These plants are the most commonly available and can be found throughout the year. They are grown in containers and have their roots intact, making them easier to establish in your landscape.

Regardless of the type of plants you choose, proper care after planting is essential for their healthy growth. After planting, be sure to water the plants thoroughly to provide them with the necessary moisture. This will help their roots establish well in the soil.

Tree Staking

Additionally, applying a layer of mulch around the base of the plants helps conserve moisture, suppresses weed growth, and protects the soil from extreme temperatures. Mulch also adds an aesthetic appeal to your landscape.

If you’ve planted larger trees that may require support, tree staking can help ensure proper growth and stability. Use stakes and ties to secure the tree in a way that allows movement but prevents excessive swaying.

By choosing the right plants and employing appropriate planting methods, you can establish a strong foundation for a thriving landscape.

Pruning Techniques for Healthy Growth

Pruning is a vital practice for maintaining the health and appearance of trees and shrubs. It involves pruning trees and shrubs to promote healthy growth, removing dead and diseased branches, shaping plants for aesthetic purposes, and preventing disease spread. By implementing proper pruning techniques, you can enhance the overall health and beauty of your landscape.

When it comes to pruning trees and shrubs, timing is crucial. For most summer-flowering shrubs, pruning should be done during late fall, winter, or early spring. This allows the plants to focus on new growth during the growing season. It is also recommended to dip pruning shears in a bleach or rubbing alcohol solution between cuts to prevent the spread of diseases.

pruning trees and shrubs

While pruning is beneficial, it’s important not to over-prune. Excessive pruning can weaken the plants and inhibit their ability to produce flowers. The goal is to remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches and shape the plants in a way that enhances their natural form without compromising their health.

Proper pruning techniques not only enhance the health and appearance of trees and shrubs but also help prevent the spread of diseases. By removing dead and diseased branches, you reduce the risk of pathogens infecting the surrounding healthy tissue. Regular pruning is an essential step in maintaining a healthy and thriving landscape.

Watering and Fertilizing for Plant Health

Watering and fertilizing are essential components of maintaining the health and vitality of your trees and shrubs. Implementing proper watering techniques ensures that your plants receive adequate hydration, while applying fertilizer provides them with the necessary nutrients for optimal growth. By following these guidelines, you can promote healthy root systems and vibrant foliage.

Watering Trees and Shrubs

When it comes to watering trees and shrubs, it is crucial to understand the specific requirements of different plant species and their growth stages. Young plants, especially during their first year of establishment, require regular watering to encourage the development of healthy root systems. This is particularly important in dry periods or extended droughts when moisture may be limited. Conversely, established trees and shrubs generally do not require frequent watering unless faced with prolonged drought conditions.

Watering Established Plants

For established plants, it is best to water deeply and infrequently. This promotes the growth of deep roots and helps the plants become more resilient to drought. It’s important to water at the base of the plant, avoiding overhead watering, as this can lead to leaf diseases and wasteful evaporation. When watering, ensure that the soil is moist but not waterlogged. To determine if your plants need watering, you can use a moisture meter or simply check the soil’s moisture level by inserting your finger into the ground.

Watering Evergreens

Evergreens, such as pine, spruce, and cedar trees, require special attention when it comes to watering. These trees benefit from abundant watering in the autumn months to prepare them for the winter ahead. Adequate hydration during this time helps evergreens retain moisture and withstand the drying effects of colder weather. It’s important to supply enough water to thoroughly saturate the soil around the roots of evergreens.

Applying Fertilizer

Fertilizing your trees and shrubs is crucial for providing them with the necessary nutrients to support healthy growth. Use a general-purpose fertilizer specifically formulated for trees and shrubs, following the recommended application rates provided by the manufacturer. Applying fertilizer at the right time and in the correct amounts prevents nutrient deficiencies and ensures that your plants receive the essential elements they need for vigorous growth.

Proper Fertilization Techniques

When applying fertilizer, it’s important to distribute it evenly across the root zone of your trees and shrubs. Avoid allowing the fertilizer to come into direct contact with the trunk or foliage, as this can cause damage. After applying fertilizer, water the area thoroughly to help the nutrients penetrate the soil and reach the plant’s roots. Following proper fertilization techniques will help your plants thrive and avoid the risk of overfertilization, which can harm the plants and negatively impact their overall health.

Watering and Fertilizing Guidelines

Plant Type Watering Recommendations Fertilization Recommendations
Young Trees and Shrubs Regular watering during dry periods Follow manufacturer’s guidelines for application rates
Established Trees and Shrubs Water deeply and infrequently; avoid overwatering Apply fertilizer in the recommended amounts
Evergreens Abundant watering in autumn to prepare for winter Use a general-purpose fertilizer; follow recommended application rates

By implementing proper watering and fertilizing techniques, you can ensure the health and vitality of your trees and shrubs. Understanding the specific watering needs of different plants, including young and established trees, as well as evergreens, will guide you in providing the appropriate moisture levels. Additionally, applying fertilizer at the right time and in the correct amounts will supply your plants with the essential nutrients they need. Remember to always follow proper fertilization techniques and avoid overfertilization, which can harm your plants. With these practices in place, your trees and shrubs will thrive and contribute to a beautiful and vibrant landscape.


Ensuring the health and vitality of your residential trees and shrubs is crucial for maintaining a beautiful landscape. By implementing expert care practices and following proper planting and care techniques, you can promote healthy growth and maintain plant health for the long term.

One of the key factors in expert residential tree and shrub care is choosing the right plants for your landscape. Consider the specific needs of each species and select varieties that are well-suited to your climate and soil conditions. Planting at the optimal time and providing proper watering, mulching, and fertilization will contribute to their overall health and vigor.

Regular pruning is another important aspect of tree and shrub care, as it helps remove dead or diseased branches, shape plants, and prevent the spread of diseases. Additionally, protecting your trees and shrubs from insect pests and diseases, and providing adequate water during establishment, will further support their growth and vitality.

To achieve the best outcomes, it is recommended to consult with expert arborists and tree care professionals who can assess your landscape, provide personalized care recommendations, and ensure the ongoing health and beauty of your residential trees and shrubs. By investing in expert care and following these best practices, you can enjoy a thriving landscape that enhances the overall aesthetic and value of your property.


Why is professional tree and shrub care important for residential properties?

Professional tree and shrub care is important for residential properties because it ensures the health and beauty of the landscape. Experts can assess your landscape, identify tree and shrub species, evaluate insect and disease populations, and provide professional recommendations for a healthy and beautiful landscape.

When is the best time to plant trees and shrubs?

It is recommended to plant trees and shrubs in the spring or fall when weather conditions are mild. It is best to avoid planting during periods of stressful climate or weather.

How should I water newly planted trees and shrubs?

After planting, water trees and shrubs well using a slow flow of water to ensure proper moisture. This helps establish healthy root systems.

What is the purpose of mulching around the base and root zone of plants?

Mulching around the base and root zone of plants with a 2-3 inch layer helps retain moisture and suppresses weed growth.

Should newly planted trees be staked?

Newly planted trees can be staked if necessary. Use a single stake and tie the tree with a figure-8 pattern to ensure upright growth.

How often should I fertilize trees and shrubs?

Regular fertilizing is important to provide necessary nutrients for optimal growth. The amount of fertilizer applied may vary depending on the age and location of the plants.

Why is pruning important for trees and shrubs?

Pruning is important to remove dead or diseased branches, improve appearance, and prevent the spread of disease.

How can I protect trees and shrubs from insects and diseases?

Trees and shrubs can be protected from insects and diseases through specialized treatments and proper plant care practices.

How often should I water established trees and shrubs?

Established trees and shrubs usually only need watering during periods of drought.

How do I choose the right plants and planting methods?

Trees and shrubs are typically sold as bare-root plants, balled-and-burlapped plants, or container-grown plants. Choose the method that suits your needs and follow proper planting techniques.

How should I prune trees and shrubs?

Pruning should be done during late fall, winter, or early spring for most summer-flowering shrubs. Dip pruning shears in a bleach or rubbing alcohol solution between cuts to prevent the spread of diseases.

How often should I water and fertilize trees and shrubs?

Young plants require regular watering, especially during dry periods, to establish healthy root systems. Established trees and shrubs generally do not require frequent watering except during extended droughts. Fertilizing should be done following the recommended application rates to avoid overfertilization.

Why is expert residential tree and shrub care important?

Expert residential tree and shrub care is important for maintaining a healthy and beautiful landscape. By following proper planting and care techniques, you can ensure the long-term health and vitality of your trees and shrubs with the guidance of professional arborists.

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