tree care lakewood

Did you know that maintaining healthy trees and a beautiful landscape can significantly enhance the value of your property in Lakewood, Colorado? In fact, studies have shown that well-maintained landscapes with healthy trees can increase property values by up to 20%! Proper tree care is not just about aesthetics; it is an investment that pays off in more ways than one.

When it comes to ensuring the longevity and vitality of your trees, trust the professionals. In Lakewood, you’ll find certified arborists and tree care specialists who provide a comprehensive range of tree care services. From expert pruning and trimming to emergency tree removal, these professionals have the knowledge and expertise to keep your yard vibrant and green all year round.

Key Takeaways:

  • Healthy trees and a well-maintained landscape can increase property values in Lakewood.
  • Certified arborists and tree care specialists offer a range of services to ensure the longevity and vitality of your trees.
  • Proper tree care is an investment that pays off in multiple ways.
  • Trust the professionals in Lakewood for all your tree care needs.

Professional Tree Pruning and Trimming Services in Lakewood

Proper pruning and trimming are crucial for the health and appearance of your trees. Professional tree pruning services in Lakewood ensure that the trees are properly shaped, removing dead or diseased branches, and promoting healthy growth. Certified arborists in Lakewood have the knowledge and expertise to determine the right pruning techniques for different tree species and ensure that the pruning is done safely and effectively. By hiring a reputable tree maintenance company in Lakewood, you can maintain the structural integrity of your trees, enhance their aesthetics, and reduce the risk of tree failure or damage.

In Lakewood, CO, tree pruning is an essential part of tree care to maintain the overall health and appearance of your trees. Tree pruning can involve the removal of dead or diseased branches, shaping the tree to provide proper clearance, and promoting healthy growth. It is important to hire experienced and certified arborists in Lakewood to handle the pruning process, as they have the knowledge and expertise to determine the right techniques for different tree species.

When you choose a professional tree maintenance company in Lakewood, you can be confident that they have the necessary tools and equipment to prune your trees safely and effectively. They will also have the expertise to identify any potential issues or diseases that may be affecting your trees and take appropriate action. By regularly pruning your trees, you not only enhance their appearance but also help them grow stronger and stay healthier for longer.

Professional tree pruning and trimming services in Lakewood offer a range of benefits. First, pruning helps to improve the structure and aesthetics of your trees, giving them a more balanced and attractive shape. It also eliminates hazardous branches that may be at risk of falling and causing damage or injury. Additionally, pruning promotes air circulation and sunlight penetration, which are crucial for the health and vitality of your trees.

When you hire a certified arborist in Lakewood for tree pruning, they will carefully assess your trees and develop a customized pruning plan. This plan will take into consideration the specific needs of your trees, including their age, species, and overall health. By following proper pruning techniques, your arborist will remove any dead, diseased, or crossed branches, shaping your trees and promoting better growth.

Benefits of Professional Tree Pruning in Lakewood
1. Enhanced tree structure and aesthetics
2. Removal of hazardous branches
3. Improved air circulation and sunlight penetration
4. Healthier and longer-lasting trees

Expert Tree Removal Services in Lakewood

In some cases, tree removal may be necessary due to disease, damage, or safety concerns. When faced with such circumstances, it’s important to rely on the expertise of tree removal experts in Lakewood. Their knowledge and experience ensure that the removal process is carried out safely and efficiently, minimizing the risk of property damage and injuries.

If you have a dead tree on your property or a tree that is posing a threat to your home or utilities, hiring tree removal experts in Lakewood is crucial. These professionals have the necessary equipment and skills to handle tree removals of any size, from small to large-scale projects.

Additionally, tree removal experts in Lakewood also offer emergency tree services, particularly in the aftermath of storms or severe weather events. They can swiftly respond to fallen trees, assess the situation, and safely remove any debris, ensuring the safety and well-being of your property.

Why Choose Tree Removal Experts in Lakewood?

  • Expertise: Tree removal experts in Lakewood have the knowledge and training to assess the condition of trees and determine the most appropriate course of action.
  • Safety: Removing trees can be hazardous, especially when large branches or trees are involved. Tree removal experts prioritize safety throughout the process, minimizing the risk of accidents or damage.
  • Efficiency: With the right tools and techniques, tree removal experts can complete the job quickly and efficiently, saving you time and effort.
  • Property Protection: Tree removal experts take precautions to prevent damage to your property during the removal process, ensuring that nearby structures, utility lines, and landscaping remain unharmed.

When it comes to tree removal in Lakewood, trust the expertise of the professionals to handle the job safely and effectively. Their knowledge, skills, and dedication to customer satisfaction make them the go-to choice for all your tree removal needs.

“Hiring tree removal experts in Lakewood ensures safe and efficient removal of trees, minimizing the risk of property damage and injuries.”

tree removal experts Lakewood

With their expert assistance, you can maintain the integrity of your property while removing any hazardous or unwanted trees. Contact the tree removal experts in Lakewood today for a consultation and secure the safety and beauty of your landscape.

Year-Round Tree Care and Maintenance Tips in Lakewood

To ensure the health and longevity of your trees in Lakewood, it’s important to provide them with year-round care and maintenance. Follow these tips from Lakewood tree care specialists to keep your trees vibrant and healthy:

1. Regular Watering

Regular watering is crucial for tree health, especially during dry or windy conditions. The general rule is to provide 10 gallons of water for each inch of trunk diameter. Adjust the watering frequency based on the temperature and weather conditions. Remember to water evergreen trees, such as pine and spruce, during the winter months as well.

2. Proper Fertilization

Fertilization is essential for providing trees with the necessary nutrients for growth. Consult a tree care specialist in Lakewood to determine the appropriate fertilizer type and application method for your specific tree species.

3. Pest Control

Regular inspections and proper pest control measures can help prevent tree damage caused by pests. Look out for signs of insect infestations or diseases and take immediate action to address them. A professional tree care company in Lakewood can help you identify and treat common tree pests and diseases.

4. Regular Inspections

Regular inspections by tree care specialists in Lakewood can help identify potential tree problems early on and prevent them from escalating. These professionals have the expertise to spot signs of disease, poor tree structure, or other issues that may compromise the health and safety of your trees.

5. Quote:

Proper tree care goes beyond just pruning and removal. It requires consistent attention and proactive measures to ensure the health and well-being of your trees. By following these year-round maintenance tips and seeking assistance from Lakewood tree care specialists, you can enjoy beautiful, thriving trees for years to come.

Remember, the well-being of your trees relies on regular care and attention. Implementing these year-round tree care and maintenance tips will help protect your investment and contribute to a greener and more vibrant yard.

affordable tree care services Lakewood

Common Tree Care Tasks and Recommended Frequencies

Tree Care Task Recommended Frequency
Watering As needed, based on weather conditions
Fertilization Annually or as recommended by a tree care specialist
Pest Control Regular inspections with appropriate treatments as needed
Pruning Varies depending on the tree species and growth rate
Inspections At least once a year, with additional inspections after storms

Common Tree Care Challenges in Lakewood: Freeze Damage and Storm Damage

Lakewood, Colorado, is known for its freezing temperatures and frequent storms, which pose unique challenges for tree care. Freezing temperatures can have a significant impact on certain tree species, such as spruce, pine, and juniper, leading to bleached or bronzed foliage, brown shriveling twigs, and even complete tree dieback. These visible signs of freeze damage indicate the need for immediate attention and care from tree experts.

In addition to freeze damage, Lakewood also experiences storms that can cause extensive damage to trees. Strong winds, heavy rain, and snow can result in broken tree limbs and fallen trees, posing safety hazards to people and property. It is essential to address storm damage promptly to minimize further risks.

Freeze Damage Symptoms:

  • Bleached or bronzed foliage
  • Brown shriveling twigs
  • Complete tree dieback

Storm Damage Effects:

  • Broken tree limbs
  • Fallen trees

In the event of freeze or storm damage, it is crucial to seek emergency tree services in Lakewood to assess the extent of the damage and provide effective solutions. Certified arborists and tree care specialists have the knowledge and expertise to evaluate the condition of the trees, recommend appropriate measures, and perform necessary tree care tasks.

Addressing these common tree care challenges promptly and seeking professional assistance can help protect your trees and maintain the beauty and safety of your landscape.

Common Tree Care Challenges Symptoms
Freeze Damage Bleached or bronzed foliage, brown shriveling twigs, complete tree dieback
Storm Damage Broken tree limbs, fallen trees

Hiring a Professional Tree Care Company in Lakewood

When it comes to tree care in Lakewood, it’s important to hire a professional tree care company that has the knowledge, expertise, and equipment to handle all your tree care needs.

Look for a local company with a good reputation and positive customer reviews.

Certified arborists, such as those accredited by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), can provide expert advice and services to ensure proper tree care.

Consider hiring local landscaping pros like Local Landscaping Pros, who are experienced in tree care and offer a range of services such as tree installation, tree removal, pruning, and maintenance.

Visit their website at or call 951-309-9107 to schedule a consultation and get a free estimate for your tree care needs.

Why Hire a Professional Tree Care Company?

Hiring a professional tree care company in Lakewood offers numerous benefits. Here’s why you should consider it:

  1. Expertise: Professional tree care companies have trained and certified arborists who are knowledgeable about tree care techniques, tree biology, and proper maintenance practices.
  2. Equipment: Tree care requires specialized equipment and tools that professional companies possess. From tree removal to pruning, they have the necessary equipment to handle any tree care task safely and efficiently.
  3. Safety: Tree care can be dangerous, especially when dealing with large trees or performing tasks at heights. Professional tree care companies follow strict safety protocols to protect both their workers and your property.
  4. Time and Convenience: Tree care can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. By hiring a professional tree care company, you can save time and effort, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

“Hiring a professional tree care company ensures that your trees are in good hands and receive the care they need to thrive.”

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Tree Care Company
Time and Convenience


Maintaining healthy trees and a beautiful landscape is essential for homeowners and businesses in Lakewood. With professional tree services in Lakewood, you can ensure that your trees receive the proper care they need throughout the year. Certified arborists and tree care specialists possess the expertise and knowledge to handle a wide range of tree care services, including pruning, trimming, removal, and emergency services.

Investing in professional tree services not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your property but also promotes the health and longevity of your trees. By entrusting your tree care needs to a reputable tree maintenance company in Lakewood, you can rest assured that your trees will be properly pruned, trimmed, and maintained according to industry standards and best practices.

Whether you require assistance with routine tree maintenance, tree removal, or addressing specific tree care challenges, professional tree services in Lakewood can offer tailored solutions to meet your needs. By entrusting your tree care to the experts, you can enjoy a more vibrant yard and continue to appreciate the numerous benefits that trees bring to your property.


Why is tree care important in Lakewood?

Tree care is important in Lakewood to maintain the health and beauty of your trees, enhance the overall aesthetics of your property, and promote tree longevity.

What services do professional tree care specialists in Lakewood offer?

Professional tree care specialists in Lakewood offer a range of services, including tree pruning, tree removal, emergency tree services, and regular tree maintenance.

How does professional tree pruning benefit my trees?

Professional tree pruning helps shape trees, remove dead or diseased branches, and promote healthy growth, enhancing both the health and appearance of your trees.

Why might tree removal be necessary?

Tree removal may be necessary due to disease, damage, or safety concerns. Professional tree removal services in Lakewood ensure safe and efficient removal to minimize risks.

How can I ensure year-round tree care for my trees in Lakewood?

Year-round tree care involves regular watering, proper fertilization, pest control, and regular inspections by tree care specialists to maintain tree health and prevent damage.

What are common tree care challenges in Lakewood?

Common tree care challenges in Lakewood include freeze damage and storm damage. Proper tree care and prompt professional assistance are essential to address these challenges.

Why should I hire a professional tree care company in Lakewood?

Hiring a professional tree care company in Lakewood ensures you have the expertise, equipment, and knowledge to handle all your tree care needs and maintain the health and beauty of your trees.

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